Monday, June 22, 2009


We have SOOOoooo much to get done in just 13 little weeks. Here is my priority list

1. Invitations (gotta get em' ordered)
2. Passports (we are goin' crusin')
3. Photographer (gotta book her)

These are my top 3, believe it or not we have accomplished a ton in just a week, from dresses, tux's, gowns, and registries, site locations, and much more.

My focus for today is finishing the Bed Bath and Beyond Registry at lunch!

Dave and I had a great time in Kentucky seeing the DeForest fam. and celebrating fathers day and our engagement along with Dave's brother Lee. He popped the question to Miss Whitney on Friday at the movie theatre (he put it on the screen). The whole DeForest family went to see "The Proposal" on Saturday night, it just seemed appropriate, I give it 2 thumbs up! We capped the weekend off with a Hoolihan family visit to celebrate Father's Day with my dad, good times. We are both so blessed to have such wonderful stong, supportive families!

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