Now that I am over the hump, I am kinda just twiddling my thumbs and waiting on the wedding to get here. There are of course the little things to do that NEED to get done, but all in all I have the "hurry up and wait feeling." Many times through this process I have had the thought "We should have taken our closest family and friends to the Caribbean for the week and eloped" and then I think, "It will be nice to be there with ALL of our family and friends to see us join in Holy Matrimony.
Could you Elope? I mean the idea is nice but you could you really do it? I think I like to be the center of attention way to much to cut everyone out, but at the same time I am just ready to being my life with D and man and wife. Maybe you can split the difference, with a nice beach wedding and a reception back home? I am curious so cast your vote!
Survey Results - GlowDay.com
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