This is a great way to save money, but not everyone is the DIY bride, but take a look at the money I am saving doing my OWN invitations.
Price for 200 Invitations @ weddingPaperDivas.com = $298 + tax
Price for 200 Invitations @ Fancy $6 an invitation shoppe = $1,200 + tax
Price for 200 DIY Invitations @ Michael's = $74.98 + tax (using 50% off coupons)
Now you don't have to be a Rocket Scientist to figure out which way to go here?!?!?
I googled Michael's Coupons and found a link to 50% off coupons for any ONE item per visit, so I just go at lunch every day and get a box :) (40ct per box need 5 boxes) and it has a HOW to print guide and response cards included. WHAT A STEAL! Print from home and VIOLA mega savings!!!
Check out my invitations in the attached photo! Its has a real ribbon below that raised card stock, it looks really elegant and like the pro's did it, for a fraction of the cost!
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