No, not getting married. Just choices I made early on. I was warned this would happen, you would not regret per se, but wish you had made another choice.
Sunday night mom, D, and myself went to see WICKED (it was FABULOUS by the way), and we had to walk past the War Memorial downtown. This had always been my "location pick" but for whatever reason once we were in full Wedding Planning mode, the idea NEVER crossed my mind to use it. I had already done the leg work, it was $65 to have a ceremony there, but you had to rent chairs and find somewhere to have your reception. Seeing it all lit up at night made me go, ahh shucks! I guess at the end of the day I am glad we had such a short engagement, or I could see myself doing this on 100 other things between now and the wedding. God knew my budget, and led me in the right direction.
On a happier note, I had my final dress fitting and my dress is now suspended from my little brothers ceiling fan (highest spot we could find to keep wrinkles at bay)! It fits PERFECT, so no splurges between now and then! LOL
One last thing, look for yours Truly in the Robertson County Times today under wedding announcements!!!
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